The politics of security and policing


This lecture introduces students to international questions of policing. In light of an interdisciplinary approach, the course thus focuses on the way in which current topics of interest are politically and operationally addressed, from criminal and political violence to illicit finance and global infectious diseases. In this regard, it aims to foster students’ capacity of analysis and independent judgement on the politics and everyday practices of transnational policing, border and migration control, surveillance and security intelligence in the digital age. Consequently, the overall aim of the course is to enable students to tackle contemporary dynamics of policing and security. As a result, the students will be able to better understand the current international policing issues, actors and practices.

Pré-requis souhaités

Students should have basic knowledge in International Relations.

En bref

Année 3 | Troisième année

Crédits ECTS 2.0

Nombre d'heures 18.0

Enseignement optionnel



Responsable pédagogique :
Amicelle Anthony [+]