African Actors in World Politics


The African continent and its relations with the rest of the world contribute to our understanding of world politics by various means. They first raise fundamental questions on the state and its conceptualization as the basic unit in international relations: what is at stake when statehood and sovereignty is claimed? How has the Westphalian order interfered with African states’ trajectories? What can be understood when exploring the history of imperial rivalries? These conceptual and historical insights provide an indispensable background in order to tackle with major contemporary issues, such as the current logics of cooperation and conflict among African states and intrastate communities, the promises of multilateral institutions and regional integration, the struggle against racism and the politics of identity, the quest for citizenship, or the influence of diasporic communities in world politics.

Pré-requis souhaités

Students should have basic knowledge in International Relations, International Political Economy and/or political science.


Le nombre de crédits ECTS et les modalités d’évaluation sont susceptibles d’être différents pour les étudiants en programmes d’échange à crédits.

Bibliographie indicative

  • Bach D), Regionalism in Africa. Genealogies, institutions and trans-state networks, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016.
  • Bayart J.F., Africa in the World: A History of Extraversion, African Affairs, vol. 99 (n° 395), 2000, p.217-267.
  • Cooper F., Africa in the World. Capitalism, Empire, Nation-State, Harvard University Press, 2014.
  • Dunn K. C., Shaw T. M., Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001.

En bref

Année 3 | Troisième année

Langue d'enseignementAnglais

Temporalité Semestriel

Crédits ECTS 2.0

Nombre d'heures 18.0

Type d'enseignementCours magistral

Mode de validationAutre

Enseignement optionnel

Ouvert aux étudiants en échange



Responsable pédagogique :
Ambrosetti David [+]