The course proposes an analysis of the origin and evolution of the modern world order from its early beginnings to the contemporary post-Cold War world. Its purpose is to go back over the major stages of this evolution with the view of enabling students to have an in-depth knowledge of long-term trends and processes at the roots of current world affairs. The course notably studies the material dimension of the international order in the 1st part dedicated to the Evolution of the International System, and its normative elements in the 2nd part focusing on the Development of an International Society (part II).
Students taking this lecture should know the major dates and events of world history since the end of the Middle Ages.
Le nombre de crédits ECTS et les modalités d’évaluation sont susceptibles d’être différents pour les étudiants en programmes d’échange à crédits.
The course consists in a series of lectures.
Année 4 | Quatrième année
Langue d'enseignementAnglais
Temporalité Semestriel
Crédits ECTS 2.0
Nombre d'heures 18.0
Type d'enseignementCours magistral
Mode de validationExamen terminal écrit
Enseignement obligatoire