Masters "Metropolitan strategies and governance" of the Institute of Political Studies

In brief

  • Speciality: Professionnel
  • Major: Politics, society and communication



Since 2008, our world has become half urban. This "urbanization of the world" has of course had spatial, economic, and social consequences, but also political consequences. Thus, cities have become central places in the development and implementation of public policies in sectors that range far beyond urban planning and development (economic development, social development, cultural policies, international relations, etc.), but also essential places for governing societies. These upheavals require the training of executives who do not have a strictly spatial or administrative vision of cities, and of public policy professionals whose scope of action expands beyond the State alone.


The Master's "Metropolitan Strategies and Governance" program aims to train students in the governance of urban and metropolitan areas and the development and implementation of urban strategies and policies. The design, implementation and evaluation of urban policies require the skills of analysts, designers, translators and "process engineers" which Sciences Po Bordeaux students have developed throughout their general training. In addition to these generalist skills, the Metropolitan Strategies and Governance Master's program aims to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of urban policies (their history, their systems of actors, their instruments) and command of analytical and decision-making tools (finance, law, management, cartography, statistics, qualitative methods).

Additional information

The Metropolitan strategies and governanceMaster's program is conducted over two full years corresponding to the fourth (M1) and fifth (M2) years of training at Sciences Po Bordeaux. It combines cutting edge multidisciplinary scientific training on urban issues with professionalization and methodological modules. The scientific training program is intended to provide students with a solid knowledge of the economic, social, and political processes that determine the place of cities in national, European and global spaces and condition the functioning and governance of urban and metropolitan areas. The course combines classes in economics, sociology, geography, and law, but the main focus of the Master's program is political science and, more particularly, the analysis of public policies.

Vocational training is provided through a "collective project" in which students -working in groups and with the support of a tutor – are commissioned by an organization in the field of urban and metropolitan policies to conduct a study and provide advice on a particular issue. The collective project scheme is jointly operated with the National School of Architecture and Landscaping of Bordeaux (ENSAPBx). The student groups are mixed, which makes it possible to respond to commissions characterized by strategic and political dimensions and a spatial dimension. Vocational training is also provided through interventions by practitioners in this field and through field visits and meetings with actors, in the framework, for example, of the "Challenge, policies and projects of the Bordeaux metropolis" certificate. The methodological training received by students will develop their ability to use and process data through qualitative and quantitative survey tools, mapping, and geolocation tools. A large part of this methodological training is provided by the teams of the Bordeaux Aquitaine urban planning agency. This training also aims to familiarize students with project management and project management tools.



Training content

This information is for guidance purposes.


Access condition

Sciences Po Bordeaux Diploma : First year

Find out more about the requirements for admission to fourth year 


Job opportunities

Employers: municipal and metropolitan governments, public agencies and institutions, government departments and agencies, engineering and consulting firms, urban service companies, real estate and property development companies, international organizations, research centres, etc.

Functions: jobs in pre-operational studies, expertise, consulting, decision-making support, evaluation, management of organizations in charge of urban policies, research, etc.



Pinson Gilles

Email : g.pinson @

Caron Karine

Email : k.caron @

More info

Type of education

  • Initial education
  • Continuing education