French exchange - for credit - programs

Come study abroad in French at Sciences Po Bordeaux!

International students with a B1 level of French or higher, who are interested in improving their French proficiency in content-driven courses in political and social sciences, may apply to study at the institute’s French Track Program for one or two semesters. Students from the institute’s partner universities can enroll as exchange students, while students from non-partner institutions can enroll through the individual application (Free Mover) process.

French Track students have the possibility to qualify for certification during their time at Sciences Po Bordeaux. The Political Studies Certificate (CEP) is awarded to international students who complete two academic semesters of study at the institute. For those who complete one semester, Sciences Po Bordeaux awards an Attestation of Political Studies (AEP). Students who obtain these certifications complete coursework in interactive seminars that foster exchange and reflection on contemporary issues in France and their countries of origin.

Note: Attainment of the Political Studies Certificate (CEP) grants access to a specialized admissions procedure for entry to Sciences Po Bordeaux in the 3rd year and at the Master’s level.

French exchange programs