Welcome !

Welcome to the International Section of Sciences Po Bordeaux’s website. Here you will find information about our institute’s degree programs that are open to French and international students, many of which are bi-national and/or international, at both bachelor’s (premier cycle) and master’s (second cyle) levels of study. You will find, notably, an introduction to our fully English double-degree programs.

The majority of pages in this section are dedicated, all the same, to our exchange programs designed for international students who wish to study for one semester or one academic year at the institute, whether as nominated students from one of our 160 university partners (exchange mobility) or as individual applicants (Free Mover). Our exchange programs are designed to provide quality learning in French (French Track) and in English (English Track).

We invite you to also discover several international cooperation projects at our institute, such as our program for visiting professors or European projects.

Naturally, you will also find key information to assist those who are preparing to come to our institute.

Happy browsing! À bientôt,


The International Relations Office



2024-2025 Sciences Po Bordeaux Fact Sheet |   2024-2025 International Exchange Program Student Guide 

La Nouvelle Aquitaine : Entre vignes et océan | Guide to Bordeaux (Campus France)