International students are invited to apply for First-Year admission to Sciences Po Bordeaux’s five-year (Bac +5) degree programs, under the same status as full-time degree-seeking students. Students follow a general curriculum throughout the first three years of study (premier cycle), and specialize in one of the institute’s master’s programs during the fourth and fifth years (deuxième cycle).
Sciences Po Bordeaux’s binational dual degree programs are one of the institute’s unique academic offerings. Students in these programs receive bilingual training, alternating their studies between Sciences Po Bordeaux and an international partner institution throughout their five years of study. Upon graduation, students are awarded with two master’s degrees: The Sciences Po Bordeaux Diplôme and the equivalent of the partner institution.
Admissions procedure and requirements for the binational dual degree programs (in French)
International students who hold a French or international bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS credits) may apply for entry to Sciences Po Boreaux’s programs at the third-year level, upon passing entrance exams. Accepted students will go on to complete a master’s program at the institute and graduate with a master’s-level diplôme.
See the conditions for Third year entry to Sciences Po Bordeaux (in French)
International students may apply for admission to Sciences Po Bordeaux’s master programs at the Master 1 level (fourth year of the five-year curriculum). Accepted students graduate upon completion of the Fifth-Year level of studies in their chosen programs with a Master’s level degree.
See the conditions for Fourth year entry to Sciences Po Bordeaux (in French)