Administrative procedures

Insurance and coverage

Coverage by the French health care system (la sécurité sociale) is provided and required for international students at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Registration is free and international students are expected to complete the procedure upon arriving in France.

For more information, please refer to: 

International students are covered by Sciences Po Bordeaux for civil liability during their duration of their studies at the Institute.

Visa / residence permit

International students from non-EU countries must obtain a student visa from their nearest French consulate before leaving their home countries in order to enter France under the correct status. Certain countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Turkey) require also applying through the CEF (Centre pour les Études en France) in order to obtain a student visa. Please refer to the Campus France site for more details: www.

The residence permit (carte de séjour) is not required for students from EU-member countries, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland. All other international students must obtain the residence permit in order to be able to work in France. Applications may be submitted upon arriving in Bordeaux. Please contact directly the Prefecture of Gironde for appointments.

More information regarding the residence permit:

Residence permits, once ready and notified, can be collected at the Prefecture at: Esplanade Charles de Gaulle (next to Mériadeck), 33000 Bordeaux (Monday-Friday 8h30 – 13h30).


Students from EU countries

Please make sure before your departure that you have your European Insurance Card and that it is valid for the entire period of your academic mobility. A copy of the card will be asked in order to register at Sciences Po Bordeaux.

Studets from non-EU countries

You must register for the French health care system at: 


Additional resources

Assurance Maladie Memo for International Students 2021-2022

Introduction to French Health Care for International Students Studying in France for the First Time

International Student Guide: How to Create an Ameli Account 

International Student Guide: Supplementary Health Insurance 

Opening a bank account

Opening a bank account in France in necessary to receive the housing allowance, paid by the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales), and to have a checkbook (essential for paying a housing guarantee).

To open a bank account, you will need the following documents:

  • Student card or photocopy of your school attendance certificate
  • Photocopy of your passport
  • Proof of housing (whether on campus or in private housing)

Sciences Po Bordeaux has a partnership with HSBC to facilitate the administrative steps of its international students HSBC has four agencies in Bordeaux and you can make appointments at any of them. Opening and having a bank account is free for one year.

Housing in a university residence hall

Students may be housed during their stay in Bordeaux in one of the public halls of residence located on the campus.

International students who wish to stay at one of the university residence halls must:

  1. Create an account at
  2. Contact Eléna Dubâa | Email | and submit: Your INE number, preferred type of housing, dates of stay. She will coordinate the following steps with the applicants.

Campus France Tutorials

Health Insurance and Social Security in France (L'assurance maladie et la sécurité sociale): 

How does the French health insurance system work? 

L'Assurance Maladie: What to know before your arrival

Register for social security in France

French student visa:

Create an account on France Visas

Complete your application on France Visas

Upload your documents on France Visas

Student resident permit (Titre de séjour étudiant):

Apply for/renew your student resident permit  

Student and Campus Life Contribution (La CVEC: Contribution de vie étudiante et de campus):

La CVEC, what is it?

VISALE - Service for student rent security deposits:

What is VISALE and how to obtain it?

Bank accounts in France:

Open a bank account in France

Erasmix Association and Student Life at SPB

To discover more about student life at SPB and la vie bordelaise, don’t hesitate to contact the international student association Erasmix on Facebook (« Erasmix Sciences Po ») or by email at : erasmix.scpo @ For more information about student life and clubs at Sciences Po Bordeaux, visit the page Vie étudiante.