Since 2010, Sciences Po Bordeaux has offered an English track programme to students enrolled in the framework of its partnership agreements with international universities. A wide range of courses in the social sciences, the humanities and economic sciences is offered to exchange students. The programme also includes French as a foreign language (FLE) and various subjects at the bachelor's and master's levels.
Students can choose to enroll in the programme for either a full academic year's course load (60 ECTS credits) or a semester's course load (30 ECTS credits).
The English track is open to partner universities which also offer English courses to our outgoing students.
We require a minimum of B2 level of English according to the CEFRL (IELTS 6) when the level in French has to be under B1 (courses taught in English are for beginners in French).
We do not require any official language certificates but trust our partner universities to check their nominated students’ language level both in English and French.
Both a certificate from a French language teacher and one from an English teacher are required for the student’s online application if the student does not have an official language certificate.
Students from partner institutions must be selected by their university before applying to Sciences Po Bordeaux. After their nomination, they should first contact the International relations office at their home university who will assist them with the application procedure.
Students will then have to complete the online registration procedure. They will then receive a confirmation of their admission and be informed of the formalities to be carried out in order to be officially enrolled.
For international students from one of Sciences Po Bordeaux’s partner universities, nominations must be sent to Sciences Po Bordeaux by:
Please refer to "Courses Offered (English)"