Civic participation is today seen by some as an imperative of political work. It is certainly a resource for public action, particularly in urban areas. It is structured as an engineering activity around occupations, methods and tools. It is this orientation that this class proposes: to equip students and help them to find their way around. The class will introduce the students to a range of tools used in civic participation. We will show how these tools are applied in their dense disciplinary and now institutionalized field around the central concept of deliberative democracy. We will also look at the legal frameworks in which they can be used; frameworks that have recently undergone major changes resulting from an increase in conflictuality (ZAD). Finally, we will also examine related or competing approaches that also mobilize individuals in a political perspective or for the improvement of public action such as service design.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Six-monthly
Number of hours 12.0
Teaching activitySeminar
Mandatory teaching