International economics


The main objective of this lecture is to provide students of various academic backgrounds with a basic theoretical and empirical understanding the functioning of the global economy. More specifically, on the one hand, it seeks to give an overview of the main problems of the global economy. It places them in a historical perspective and highlights the role of institutions. On the other hand, it presents the fundamental concepts and reasonings of economic analysis and applies them to the mechanisms at work in the world economy. Finally, the lecture aims to make students aware of the fact that the international economy is not separate from the national economy, but shapes its development on an ongoing basis and in multiple ways.

The lecture is based on four major issues: international trade, international capital, international money and international economics beyond commodity flows.

Pré-requis souhaités

Basic knowledge in macroeconomics, interest in international economics.

En bref

Année 2 | Deuxième année

Crédits ECTS 1.0

Nombre d'heures 18.0

Enseignement obligatoire



Responsable pédagogique :
Burbaumer Benjamin [+]