3 | Third year



Occurring halfway through the five-year degree program, the third year is a pivotal year. The proposed training consolidates the fundamental knowledge introduced during the first year, opens up new horizons and opportunities for students to further expand their skills.  It marks the start of the process of specialisation and professionalisation, at the heart of the 4th and 5th years.



Training content

This information is provided for information purposes only.


Access condition

Students may be admitted directly in Third Year at Sciences Po Bordeaux, provided they either possess a diploma certifying that they have successfully completed a two-year higher education program, or have completed the two-year program in a classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles (CPGE or Higher School Preparatory Classes), or hold a degree equivalent to 120 ECTS credits.

For more information



Prévot Christophe

Email : c.prevot @ sciencespobordeaux.fr

Forest Amandine

Email : a.forest @ sciencespobordeaux.fr

More info

Type of education

  • Initial education