The purpose of the various 'professional pathways' modules is to support the student in defining his/her professional identity and to provide him/her with tools for identifying and developing a professional project.
In the 'Construction of the professional project' module, the student is led to successively discover his/her aspirations and the range of possible professions and to validate his/her choices in the framework of a network approach. At the end of the process, the student should have an individual action plan.
The 'Entrepreneurship Initiation' module aims to introduce students to the concrete aspects of the entrepreneurship while challenging preconceived ideas.
Information technology tools: This module aims to help students acquire know-how in using Excel, both in its basic functions (concept and manipulation) and in more advanced functions.
The “professional pathways” modules give the students an active role. The methods used are inspired by co-development and co-creativity, co-orientation and design thinking techniques, and aim to analyse and understand all aspects of a problem, in a small group, under the guidance of a coach.
Students are advised to assimilate the methodologies and their different stages by applying them to their individual project or to a practical case and to present the project thus defined at the end of the session.
The 'Information technology tools' module is divided into two stages: the first is conducted entirely online on the learning platform, which contains tutorials, micro assessments of knowledge and exercises to be completed. The second stage is conducted in face-to-face classes; its purpose is to validate prior learning and the learning of advanced functions.
Year Third year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Annual
ECTS credits 1.0
Mandatory teaching
Forest Amandine [+]
Prévot Christophe [+]
Educational manager :
Couderc Nelly [+]
Rouger Paul [+]