Foreign language B (LVB) - Spanish


Depending on the country in which the student spent his/her year of mobility  (Spanish-speaking country or not) and on his/her academic trajectory prior to joining Sciences Po Bordeaux, students are divided into 2 groups of limited size according to 2 levels (level 1: Good, very good level and level 2: Average/ Skills needing improvement). For both levels, the thematic work involves the examination of various types of documents — texts, press, audiovisual documents, iconography, etc. — and contributes not only to reinforcing and developing the students’ language skills, but is also a means of critically analysing and, in so doing,  gaining a more in-depth knowledge and  understanding of the main political, socio-economic and cultural issues facing Spanish-speaking countries. The aim is to develop in the students the ability to express well informed and stereotype-free opinions during prepared or spontaneous debates on current affairs.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

A perfect command of the language skills consolidated throughout the first year: basic linguistic components i.e. verb conjugation in all tenses and moods, noun-adjective and subject-verb agreements, linking words)

Proficiency in digital communication tools (Special Spanish characters, Powerpoint or Prezi, embedding of videos in PPT).


Educational formula

The method seminars in foreign languages are not language classes in the classical sense.  Classes are based on the active participation of students and focus on general cultural questions relative to the countries of the languages studied. The lecturer aims to develop the students’ understanding of specific fundamental knowledge and methodology skills in both oral and written communication.  Through the themes it covers, the course provides deeper insight into the political regimes of Spanish-speaking countries and helps the students gain a better understanding of contemporary society and of the key issues facing those countries (current political, economic, social and cultural affairs).


In brief

Year Third year

Teaching languageSpanish

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 5.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Forest Amandine [+]

Prévot Christophe [+]

Educational manager :
Plats Feral Corine [+]