History of social and solidarity economy


This class is an introduction to the history of social and solidarity economy from the 19th century to today. It aims to enable students to identify, understand and discuss the issues and challenges facing the SSE field, through an examination of changes in its organizations and practices, of its institutionalization processes and of the ideas it produces.

Form of assessment

The number of ECTS credits and the assessment methods are likely to be different for students in credit exchange programmes.


  • Gueslin A., L’invention de l’économie sociale : idées, pratiques et imaginaires coopératifs et mutualistes dans la France du XIXe siècle, Paris, Economica, 1998.
  • Dreyfus M., Histoire de l’économie sociale de la Grande Guerre à nos jours, PUR, Rennes, 2017.

Educational formula

The teaching method is based on participation, facilitated by the introduction of a few reference texts which serve as a basis for discussions with and between students. A framework provided by the teacher will help to structure the students' knowledge.


In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activityLecture course

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching

Open to exchange students



Educational manager :
Duverger Timothée [+]