Specialty MPCDT


The first semester of the course focuses on aboriginal cultures and discusses Orientalism, determinism, traditional knowledge, etc. In the second semester of the course we examine the question of how cultures and cultural policy adapt to new phenomena such as climate change, technological advances, new minorities, etc.


  • Wallerstein I., Cultures in Conflict? Who are We? Who are the Others?, Journal of the Interdisciplinary Crossroads, Vol. 1, N° 3 (December, 2004), pp. 505–521.
  • Said W.E., Orientalism, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, London, 1978.
  • Friedberg C., La question du déterminisme dans les rapports homme-nature, Sciences de la nature, sciences de la société, CNRS Editions, pp. 55-6,1992.
  • Viken A., Muller K.D., Tourism and Indigeneity in the Arctic, Channel View Publications, Malaurie Jean, Fils de mère nature, Le Débat, No : 189, (Février 2016), pp. 3-8, mai 2017.

Educational formula

The first two sessions are introductory and provide explanations of the main concepts. Each week, students make presentations, discuss the main ideas and concepts covered in the presentations, discuss the required readings (sometimes films instead of texts). In the first semester, the focus will be on individual work; this will enable the teacher to assess each student’s potential and areas of interest and in so doing maximize their usefulness in future works. In the second semester, the main focus is on group work.

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 5.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Ayaydin Eda [+]