Methodology of the European project


Students will learn about European programs and funding.  They will learn how to develop a European project, a partnership, how to budget and design a project.

Funds and programs: Creative Europe, Erasmus +, European Social Fund, Leader Fund, European Regional Development Fund.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Students must have an interest in how cultural projects are funded and in their cross-cutting nature (entrepreneurship, social, educational, environmental, etc.).


  • Autissier A., L’Europe de la culture : histoire(s) et enjeux, Actes sud, 2007.
  • Autissier A. (dir.), L'Europe des festivals de Zagreb à Edimbourg, points de vue croisés ; Éditions de l'attribut, 2008.
  • Balme R., Garraud P., Hoffmann-Martinot V., Le Territoire pour politiques : variations européennes, L'Harmattan ; 1994.
  • Culture, industries culturelles et emploi, Commission européenne, document de travail, Bruxelles, 14 mai 1998.
  • La situation des professionnels de la création artistique en Europe, Commission de la culture et de l'éducation du Parlement européen, 2006.

Educational formula

The class alternates practical exercises and theoretical lectures.

Additional information

Class delivered by Sophie Guenebaut.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

ECTS credits 2.0

Number of hours 28.0

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching