The primary purpose of this seminar is to enable students, academics, and practitioners to jointly reflect on how international issues give rise to changes in the conceptions of cultural action, modify its frameworks according to the benchmarks of diversity and interculturality.
Internationalization is accompanied by powerful changes that are prompting private and public actors to reconsider their respective roles and call for modifications in public policies. The seminar focuses on four territorial levels: urban, cross-border, interstate, supranational. This is useful for understanding the current and future potentialities for cultural development, particularly in Europe and more broadly in an open world.
A professional in the field of international culture and/or a researcher expert in this area participate in each session. The aim is for these discussions to give rise to analyses, but also to prospective tools and proposals for bringing about change in practices.
Students must have good knowledge of cultural policies.
See bibliography for the class on the “history of cultural policies in France” and for the seminar on “Cultural policies in Europe”.
Four two-hour seminars: presentation(s) followed by a discussion.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
ECTS credits 2.0
Number of hours 8.0
Teaching activitySeminar
ValidationContinuous assessment
Mandatory teaching