LVB – French as a foreign language – FIFPO


As part of the dual French-Portuguese degree program, and in order to reinforce the Coimbra students’ linguistic proficiency and support their integration into the French university system in the first year, this method seminar has a dual objective. The first is to further develop the students' French linguistic skills (written and oral comprehension, written and oral expression) through a comparative approach. The aim to improve and reinforce their command of written and oral French through comparative analysis at both linguistic and cultural levels. Through this class the students will learn to identify the specifics of each language and to avoid the “classic” errors made by Portuguese speakers.  The second objective is to consolidate and expand the students’ knowledge of the French-speaking world.   The topics are explored from a multicultural perspective in order to help the students gain a better understanding of the main political, socio-economic and cultural issues facing French speaking societies.


Recommended Prerequisite(s)

A good command of the basic linguistic components (level B1/B2): verb conjugation, main syntax and grammatical rules, the main linking words used to structure ideas. Knowledge of the key periods of French history.


  • Grammaire contrastive pour Brésiliens, édition CLE international.
  • Les 50 règles d’or de l’orthographe, Bled (2010).
  • L’art de conjuguer, Bescherelle (1980).
  • Nouvelle Grammaire du Français, Hachette FLE.

Educational formula

This method seminar is not a language class in the classical sense.  Classes are based on the preparation and active participation of students. The objective is to develop the students’ understanding of specific fundamental knowledge and methodology skills in both oral and written communication.  Thus, linguistic learning is always combined with thematic work based on comparative analysis of various documents in French and Portuguese.  During the sessions, the emphasis is on oral communication. Preparation prior to the class is mandatory and must be done in writing. Efforts to address possible deficiencies (knowledge and language) are part of students’ individual work.

In brief

Year First year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 4.0

Number of hours 36.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Forest Amandine [+]

Houdayer Corinne

Educational manager :
Zimmermann Patrick [+]