Collaborative economy and SSE


The objective of this class is twofold: to educate students on the main issues and implications of the collaborative and digital economy and to discuss good and bad practices used by companies in these sectors. This course is intended to be participative and, whenever possible, key speakers will speak on topics examined in class (members of think-tanks, founders of start-ups, associations, or third parties). In addition, we will alternate between theoretical and interactive sequences in the form of projective workshops (What if labs). In the introductory section, we will look at the origins of the collaborative economy (differences between collaborative and cooperative).  In three other sections we will focus on: What is the collaborative economy today: social advances and disruptions; the main issues and implications of digital technologies in the collaborative economy; Case study: conducting a collaborative project.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

This class is initially intended for students in the ESSIS Masters course; it is, therefore, likely that we will briefly review some concepts (platforming, P2P, crowdlending, ...) and it might be useful for students to familiarize themselves with the field of the collaborative economy, prior to class, by reading a few articles on the subject.


Educational formula

The class is divided into three main phases: a theoretical foundation discussed with the students; group workshops to get into the subject matter; a practical group case study (assessed).


In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar


Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Mezard Alexandre [+]