Assessment of the societal impacts of SSE


Social impact assessment is valued by social enterprises and all their stakeholders, and enables them to develop new forms of dialogue with partners, to understand social changes, to communicate by improving the legibility of their actions, and to support strategic management and decision-making. This method conference presents the theoretical fundamentals and main methodological tools of social impact assessment, by focusing on three operational objectives : enabling students to master the concept of social impact, to identify and understand the main methodological tools, to implement an assessment in an organization, based on the principle of the theory of change.


  • Stievenart E. & Pache A.C., Évaluer l’impact social d’une entreprise sociale : points de repère, RECMA, Revue internationale de l’économie sociale, n° 331, 2014.
  • Guide de la mesure d’impact social, Rexel Fondation, Improve, 2018.
  • Petit précis de l’évaluation de l’impact social, Avise, Essec, Mouves, 2013.

Educational formula

This class cycle combines theoretical learning with operational applications with social entrepreneurs (change mapping).


In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Tallet Annabelle [+]