The purpose of this class is to provide support in the production of project-risk assessments. Following on from the country risk study carried out in the fourth year, each group will be given a project regarding which it must produce a risk analysis for a client - which may be a company, a government department, or a non-profit association. The type of organization is selected according to the students' professional project, and while the general method of risk management (identification/qualification/mitigation) is always the same, there are methodological variations from sector to sector.
The student is expected to attend the 'country risks' and 'sector risks' classes; knowledge of a risk management reference system.
This workshop, which will be conducted throughout the first semester, will provide individualized support. Every two to three weeks, each group will report on the progress of its project to the teacher in charge. The latter will listen, ask questions, and give recommendations. The average duration of the workshops is twenty minutes for each group.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Number of hours 12.0
Teaching activitySeminar
ValidationContinuous assessment
Mandatory teaching
Educational manager :
Le Héron Edwin [+]
Peyré Olivier [+]
Pradier Pierre-Charles [+]