Emergency and conflicts


All humanitarian workers are sooner or later called upon to intervene directly or indirectly in situations of armed conflict (With IDPs / refugees as corollaries), natural disasters or epidemics. In recent years, situations of armed conflict, in Africa, for example, represent real challenges, especially in areas where radical non-state armed groups are present. Most of these transnational groups are linked to international jihadism and belong to the two main franchises: Al Qaeda (AQ) and the Organization of the Islamic State (OEI). They pose a number of challenges, particularly in terms of humanitarian access to populations (shrinking or even destruction of humanitarian space) and population safety management (prevention of kidnapping, car bombs, suicide attacks, etc.). Activities in this class will revolve around a reflection on humanitarian space.


  • Gaul A. et al., NGO Security : Does Gender Matter ? (Sécurité des ONG : Le genre est-il important?), Washington DC : Save the Children USA & Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, 2006.
  • CIRC, L’action humanitaire et les conflits armés, Genève, CICR, 2001.
  • Stoddard A., Harmer A. & DiDomenico V., Providing Aid in Insecure Environments : 2009 Update (L’aide humanitaire dans les contextes dangereux : Mise à jour 2009), HPG Policy Brief 34, Londres, ODI, 2009.
  • Sûreté et sécurité du personnel humanitaire et protection du personnel des Nations Unies, Assemblée générale des NU A/64/336, New York, NU, 2009.

Educational formula

Teaching of the fundamentals and case studies.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Brodeur Nicolas

Khaldi Hakim [+]