This course consists of two 9-hour modules; one is academic- oriented while the other is more operational oriented.
"Environmental Risks" (J. Rebotier): through a critical definition of basic concepts, a structured review and the presentation of examples from both the Global North and South, the purpose of this class is to familiarize students with the main concepts of risk analysis, to present the main international issues and actors involved in the management and analysis of "natural" risks, and to develop a critical view of the social processes of risk production and management.
"From Emergency to Disaster" (T.B. Nguyen): This part of the course provides an introduction to key concepts useful for understanding how to better link emergency relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) within the framework of the "Humanitarian-Development Nexus" and "Resilience-"building. Exercises will be conducted to put these concepts into practice by using real examples.
Participants must have some general knowledge in the fields of humanitarian action, development and project cycle management.
"Environmental Risks": Following two sessions in which the main concepts and literature will be presented and discussed, the final part of the class will be devoted to activities of territorial vulnerability assessment, in the form of a workshop. Assessment for this part of the course will be based on activities performed in this workshop.
"From Emergency to Disaster": the first half of the course is dedicated to the introduction of LRRD concepts and case studies. In the second half of the course, and following a reflection on coordination and partnership in international action, students will be invited to develop project proposals and identify potential partners based on the concepts and case studies presented.
Class delivered by Nguyen Thi Thuy Binh and Julien Rebotier.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Six-monthly
Number of hours 18.0
Teaching activitySeminar
ValidationContinuous assessment
Mandatory teaching