The objectives of this class are: to introduce students to approaches to change management in human organizations; to discuss basic human needs in order to better understand people's motivations; to draw students’ attention to unconscious postures that may characterize leadership behaviors; to initiate students to the various roles that exist within a group; to examine and understand the dynamics of groups working in teams; to explore different collective problem-solving processes; to examine innovative models based on collective intelligence that make it possible to improve collective functioning.
4 half-days of role-playing (individually or in groups) in which students will simulate the different approaches studied in class. Students are participants, facilitators, and observers at the same time. They then take part in the collective analysis by the group of all the scenarios.
Class delivered by Éric Marsaudon and Stéphanie Maupile.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Six-monthly
Number of hours 18.0
Teaching activitySeminar
ValidationContinuous assessment
Mandatory teaching