Capacity diagnosis and capacity-building in civil society organizations


The purpose of organizational development is to enable an existing organization to be more effective in meeting its objectives. Organizational development essentially focuses on role definition in the organization, leadership and culture, as well as efficient teamwork. Every project brings change and the people involved are generally affected by these changes. The aim of this class is therefore to provide students with tools for understanding  changes, which are inherent to all organisations (companies, associations, local authorities, etc.).


  • De Leener P., Ndione S.E., Mbaye M., Raymond C. & Matthijs Y., Changement politique et social. Éléments pour la pensée et l’action, Dakar, ENDA GRAF Sahel Éditions, 305 p., 2005.
  • Vanderhulst P., Pour un militantisme efficace : un professionnalisme qui inclut des compétences sociales, Échos du Cota, n°105, ONG. Entre militance et professionnalisme, p. 2, 2004.
  • Le développement des capacités: principes et pratique, in Gestion du Développement : renforcement des capacités nationales, Turin, Centre international de formation de l’OIT, 1995.
  • Introduction au développement organisationnel, in Gestion du Développement : renforcement des capacités nationales, Turin, Centre international de formation de l’OIT, 1995.
  • Kelleher D., McLaren K., Bisson R., Prendre le taureau par les cornes : les changements organisationnels au sein des ong, Ottawa, CCCI, 192 p., 1996.

Educational formula

Teaching of the fundamentals and case study.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Brodeur Nicolas