Economic intelligence


Turning information into a strategic advantage, using techniques for gathering "open" (and therefore lawful) information, but also mechanisms of economic information protection  and lobbying action, are all part of is called "economic intelligence" (EI).

EI is essential to the long term viability and development of businesses. Development depends on the ability of organizations to anticipate, to secure themselves (especially their strategic information), and to shape their global environment, i.e. to influence a variety of players in a globalized and congested market. These are the pillars of economic intelligence: information watch, security, influence. EI must contribute to the development of a company's strategy. The aim of this seminar is to provide students with some basic knowledge on the subject.


  • Moinet N., Petite histoire de l’intelligence économique, Éditions l’Harmattan.
  • Delbecque E. et Fayol J.R., Intelligence économique, Éditions Vuibert.
  • Guilhon A., Intelligence économique : s’informer, se protéger, influencer, Éditions Pearson.
  • Harbulot. C., Manuel d'intelligence économique, PUF.
  • Deschamps C., La boîte à outils de l’intelligence économique : 59 outils et méthodes , Éditions Dunod. 

Educational formula

The three class sessions are intended to give students an overview of what economic intelligence is all about. Students are expected to attend all sessions and to participate, in particular, by raising or answering questions, and discussions around the practical cases proposed.


In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Chazeau Anne-Laure [+]