Cultural policies in Europe


This class is a continuation of the class on “Cultural policies in France" (MPCDT – 4th year).  Its primary purpose is to examine the diversity of cultural policies in Europe through the study of several national cases and to highlight national specificities: centralization, federalism, intermediate models. The British, German, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish, etc. cases will be examined successively. We will raise the question of the evolutionary trends at work, and that of cultural borrowings and influences. The second objective is to examine the cultural policy of the European Union in relation to national policies. We will consider its slow emergence as well as the various programs implemented by the European Union in the field of culture and communication. The territorial implications at both city and regional levels will also be discussed, as well as the existence of cultural networks.


  • Autissier A.M., Politiques culturelles des États européens : pour une nécessaire refondation, Espaces,
  • Autissier A.M., L'Europe des festivals : de Zagreb à Edimbourg, points de vue croisés, Éditions de l’attribut, 2008.
  • Compendium, Cultural policies and trends in Europe, Conseil de L’Europe et Ericarts, 2019.
  • Poirrier P. (dir.), Pour une histoire des politiques culturelles dans le monde 1945-2011, Comité d’Histoire du ministère de la culture et de la communication, La Documentation française, 2011.
  • Martin L., Chaubet F., Histoire des relations culturelles dans le monde contemporain, Armand Colin, 2011.

Educational formula

Two sessions (4h) will consist of lectures; the following sessions will be seminars (presentations and discussion).

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 2.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Taliano Françoise [+]