Economic analysis of risk


This seminar on economic analysis of country risk is provided to support students’ production of country risk analyses. It is complementary to the "Mapping of political and institutional actors" seminar, which focuses on the political dimension of country risk. The objective is to provide methodological and analytical tools useful for producing economic diagnoses of country risk. In this perspective, this seminar is structured around specific themes related to the economic analysis of country risk (see the "Introduction to risk analysis" class) applied to the countries on which the students will work. At the end of the semester, we will present the methodologies for sovereign and banking risk analysis such as they are used at the AFD (French Development Agency) (Christophe Barrat and David Chetboun-AFD).

Form of assessment

Assessment based on the country risk analysis

3 ECTS, except for the GEA Masters course (9 ECTS)

Educational formula

In the first part of each session a ‘country group’ presents the thematic analysis on the country under consideration. This presentation should include three dimensions: a methodological dimension, a descriptive dimension, and a risk-diagnosis dimension. The second part of the session consists of a discussion led by the teacher with the ‘country group’ about the methodological and analytical dimensions of the work presented. In the third stage of the seminar, all country-groups participate in the discussion and discuss the specificities encountered in each of the analyses, thus allowing for comparisons.

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Dufy Caroline [+]