Strategies of communication and territorial promotion


The objective is for students to gain knowledge and a good understanding of a methodology that is useful for understanding the issues and processes at stake and for participating effectively in the development of projects or territorial marketing strategies. The course begins with a presentation of cases and examples of projects the professional speaker has been involved in or has managed, in order to illustrate the diversity in this type of approach. The lecturer will then propose a methodology for defining and organizing a communication strategy and will discuss all stages of the process from the initial phases of diagnosis and choice of targets to the communication tools and actions. In a third part of the course, the students will organize into groups to conduct case studies using an analytical framework provided beforehand, and to then present their case studies in class.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Students must have good knowledge of France's administrative and territorial organization (and its relationship to Europe), must have at least theoretical knowledge of the structuring of a communication plan for a public and/or local project and of its contents (supports, actions, tools, etc.).


  • Chamard C., Schlenker L., La place du marketing territorial dans le processus de transformation territoriale, Gestion et management public, 2017/3 (Volume 6 / n° 1), p. 41-57, 2017 -  
  • Les territoires dans le bruit du monde, revue Place Publique n°12, nov-déc 2008, entretien croisé de Boret C.M., Mégard D., Lesaulnier J.M., Le Bart C. par Guidet T.
  • Proulx M.U. & Tremblay D., Marketing territorial et positionnement mondial, Lavoisier Géographie, économie, société 2006/2 - Vol.8, pages 239 à 256.
  •  Lynch K., L’image de la Cité, Paris, Dunod, 221 p, 1999. 
  • Christophe A., Serval S., Zeller C., Le marketing territorial des Petits et Moyens Territoires : identité, image et relations, Gestion et management public, 2015/4 (Volume 4 / n° 2), p. 61-78.

Educational formula

The course combines presentations by a professional with assignments prepared by groups of students and presented to the class ; presentations will be followed by questions and comments.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activitySeminar


Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Boret Charles-Marie [+]