Digital strategies of political actors


Objectives are for the students: to develop a good understanding of the risks and opportunities associated with the use of digital technology in politics, to be able to identify priorities and truly effective and useful actions to be able to make the right strategic choices and to select the most suitable web tools. Program: Digital (r)evolutions (uses, key figures, definitions, changes, societal consequences, etc.), history of usages and legal framework of digital communication in politics, resources, and functioning of electoral campaigns, digital identity, e-reputation, referencing, digital intelligence, social networks in politics, examples of mechanisms.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Make use of the Internet and the main social networks; knowledge of the institutional, political, media and societal arenas; knowledge of the strategic challenges and issues facing social organizations.

Educational formula

The sessions are based on: an oral presentation by the teacher; a presentation document/course material, which structures the presentation and contains definitions, concepts, explanatory diagrams, figures and key data;  discussions (brainstorming, definition and exploration of the topics, selection of case studies, fact checking, etc.), live browsing or demonstration of key tools.

Additional information

Class delivered by Fabrice Berrahil.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal written examination

Mandatory teaching