CSR communication


How does one design, formalize and manage a territorial strategy for sustainable development in the framework of cooperation between multiple parties? How can citizens be given a new role at each stage of the process, and how does one develop a new territorial intelligence for the general interest and for preserving the common good?

Understanding global challenges (SDG) and the local benefits of a territorial approach to sustainable development.

Understanding each stage of implementation of a territorial  CSR project through the example of the Communauté de Communes des Vallées du Haut-Anjou (Federation of municipalities of the Haut-Anjou Valleys), the first federation of municipalities with the Lucie 26000 Collectivités label.

Laying the foundations of an engaging communication strategy involving local stakeholders (including businesses): informing, consulting, debating, and co-constructing a multi-party sustainable project.

Case study: Great debate "Nantes, the Loire River and Us", design, management, and communication on the closing session of the public consultation event.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Students must have good knowledge of CSR and of the key stages of sustainable development nationally and internationally.

Understanding the rationales of actors that promote local dynamics.


  • La Ville, nouvel écosystème du XXI siècle, Rapport public du Comité de prospective du Comité 21, 2012.
  • Réussir sa communication locale pour le développement durable, co-auteur Christophe Bultel, Territorial Éditions, 2013.
  • Charlot A., Du quartier à la ville durable, vers un nouveau modèle urbain ?, Éditions du Comité 21, 2011.
  • Guide pour l'appropriation de l'agenda 2030 par les collectivités françaises, Comité 21, 2019.
  • Petites et Moyennes entreprises et ODD, CFE-CGE / Comité 21, 2019.

Educational formula

Methodology seminar held on the first day with a mini case study on SDGs.

Situational simulation conducted on the second day by a study team working on a practical case study on citizen communication/consultation.

Additional information

Class delivered by Christophe Bultel.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 12.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching