Communication plan


Practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the previous year. Students are divided into groups and must organize themselves as a communication agency to respond to a communication problem submitted by a public organization. The communication strategy and its planning will be presented to the "client" during a restitution in front of a jury.


  • Libaert T., Le plan de communication. Définir et organiser votre stratégie de communication, Dunod, 2017.
  • Dagenais B., Le plan de communication. L’art de séduire ou de convaincre les autres, Presses Université Laval, 2000.
  • Adary A., Volatier B. et Mas C., Évaluez vos actions de communication. Mesurez pour gagner en efficacité, Dunod, 2012.

Educational formula

Practical application ; briefing session with the "client", sessions for following up on the group assignments, presentation to a jury.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 12.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Rigaud Didier [+]