Public finance


In this class, students will study the core principles and concepts of state budget law, public management, local finances, taxation, European budget law, and social finances. They will prepare for the written and oral exams in public finance included in category A civil service entrance examinations. The aim is to reinforce the students' knowledge in public finance and to further their command and understanding of the key issues and challenges.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

General administrative law, budgetary law, and taxation.


  • Bouvier M., Esclassan M.C., Lassale J.P., Finances Publiques, 18e éd, LGDJ, 2019.
  • Collet M., Finances Publiques, 3e éd., LGDJ, Domat Droit Public, 2018-2019.
  • Brigaud F., Uher V., Servière S.F., Finances Publiques, IEP - Concours administratif, 3e éd., Armand Colin, 2017.
  • Monnier J.M., Finances publiques, 4e éd., La Documentation française, Les notices, 2015.
  • Albert J.L., Finances Publiques, 11e édition, Dalloz, 2019.

Educational formula

A summary sheet is put online a few days before each session. It describes the latter’s content, the notions, and concepts associated with the theme and the resource materials.  The student must choose one of two to three topics to work on ahead of the session (summary or detailed plan, SAQ, essay, etc.). The session is divided into three parts: In the first, we reexamine and explain the concepts, principles, and issues by means of questions and answers; in the second part of the session, students are invited to present their work and to discuss the subject; In the final part of the session, a corrected version will be presented.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

Number of hours 34.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationFinal written examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Mauriet Jean-Yves [+]