Contemporary issues


The class prepares students for the "General knowledge" tests (the nomenclature varies for a common reality) of the categories A and A+ civil service entrance exams. It addresses social issues from a cross-disciplinary perspective.

The class will focus on the specific methodology for writing essays (introduction technique, search for a conceptual framework, construction of a plan, structuring the argumentation, etc.); it will also place emphasis on the knowledge in human and social sciences that should enable students to approach the diverse topics submitted to them, in a critical and informed manner, by combining the necessary knowledge and understanding of current affairs with the ability to put them in perspective (historical, theoretical, etc.)

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

A good level of general knowledge, regarding, particularly, the State and its role, is essential. This requires solid knowledge in history, political science, philosophy, sociology, etc. The ability to write clearly and in correct French is also indispensable.

Educational formula

The sessions will give pride of place to exchanges between and with students, and will propose  several types of exercises, the main one being essay writing practice: preparation, discussion, writing on the most diverse topics possible. Exercises could also include reviews of articles or books deemed useful or presentations on certain great authors, for example.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Annual

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 33.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Lacarce Xavier [+]

Saint-Martin Fanny [+]