Development of a project-risk analysis system


This class module is organized around real case studies of project risk assessments/analyses conducted in partnership with operators, development institutions, various NGOs, private companies, etc. that conduct activities internationally and more particularly in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. These "Project Risk" analyses are based on an original approach to the risks and opportunities that projects present for the beneficiary populations (impact on living conditions, territory, etc.) and the initiating organization (for example, financial risk, or image-related risk in the context of a CSR initiative).

Being able to position oneself as an expert to respond to an offer of service involving risk analysis and strategic consulting; Having a good command of the key stages of project risk analysis, namely: identification, assessment, and analysis; being able to write a summary document including method, analysis, rating, recommendations, and risk mitigation scenario.


  • Chaigneau P. & François L., Risques et Management International, Édition l’Harmattan, 2003.
  • Kerbel P., Management des risques, Eyrolles Édition d’Organisation, 2009.
  • Brunet S., Fallon C., Ozer P., Schiffino N. & Thiry A., Articuler risques, planification d’urgence et gestion de crise, Édition de Boeck, 2012.
  • Blanc Alquier A.M., Lagasse Tignol M.H., Management de Risques et Intelligence Économique, L’approche PRIMA, Édition Economica, 2007.

Educational formula

Teaching of the fundamentals and risk analysis workshop.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Number of hours 18.0

ValidationFinal written examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Brodeur Nicolas