Internship tutoring


The primary objective of this seminar is to help students make career choices and define a strategy to achieve their goals. The main method proposed is ADVP (Activation of Vocational and Personal Development). Beyond the one-off support, the student internalizes this approach and can then potentially use it at different stages of his or her professional career. The proposed exercises aim to explore one’s skills, values, talents, limitations, professional interests, investigate the market, make one's choice(s), and finally implement a strategy for finding employment, in this case through an internship.

The second objective of the seminar is to address the issue of internships: to define one's internship project(s) - activities, field or sector, skills and network to be developed; what posture should one adopt during one's internship, how to make the most of one's experience.

The third objective is to provide the student with tools for putting choices into action and for learning more about the market s/he has chosen,  through meetings with professionals.


  • Lacroix M., Philosophie de la réalisation personnelle, Poche Marabout, 2015.
  • Protassieff S., Bladier C., Fauche J.P., Meyfret S., Sexton C., Le Marketing de Soi, Eyrolles, 2014.
  • Bommelaer H., Trouver le bon job grâce au réseau, Eyrolles, 2009.
  • Anna J.C., Job & réseaux sociaux, connectez-vous, Hachette Pratique, 2013.
  • D’estais C., S’entraîner aux entretiens de recrutement, Eyrolles, 2017.

Educational formula

Practical exercises in small groups to facilitate interactivity, co-construction, and personalized feedback. Exercises around the CV, cover letter, use of professional social networks, networking, learning how to communicate effectively about one's project, skills, and motivations during a recruitment interview.

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 12.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Couderc Nelly [+]