- Presentation, introduction, distribution of assignments, followed by presentations [examples].
- The weight of geography and history in national foreign policies: perceptions, beliefs, and role theory [China, France, Russia, Turkey, United States].
- Foreign policy (PE), a matter for rational "State persons"?
- The weight of bureaucracies (Foreign Affairs, Defence) in the development of foreign policy [France, UK, USA].
- The role of parliaments and constitutional courts in the development and regulation of International policy [France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States].
- The role of the media, non-governmental organizations, firms, and "public opinion" in the development and implementation of international policies.
- Bilateral diplomacy, a simple exercise? US-Soviet/Russian relations and contemporary Franco-German relations
- Multilateral diplomacy, an impossible exercise? Negotiations at the UN Human Rights Council.
- Balzacq T., Charillon F., Ramel F. (dir.), Manuel de diplomatie, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 396 p., 2018.
- Charillon F. (dir)., Politique étrangère. Nouveaux regards, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 437 p., 2002.
- Cooper A., Heine J. & Thakur R., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, Oxford University Press, XXXV-953 p, 2013.
- David C.P. (dir.), La politique étrangère des États-Unis, fondements, acteurs, formulation, Paris, Presse de Sciences Po, 3e éd., 315 p., 2015.
- Smith S., Hadfield A. et Dunne T., Foreign Policy Theories, Actors, Cases, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed., XXIX-564 p., 2016.
Educational formula
Presentation of 50 minutes maximum, by groups of 5 students. Grading: 15 points for the content (sources and references used, quality of analysis), 8 points for the form (coherence of the presentation as a whole, compliance with the time constraint, compliance with the rules of presentation of the bibliography, which must be distributed to the whole class).