Comparative foreign policy


  1. Presentation, introduction, distribution of assignments, followed by presentations [examples].
  2. The weight of geography and history in national foreign policies: perceptions, beliefs, and role theory [China, France, Russia, Turkey, United States].
  3. Foreign policy (PE), a matter for rational "State persons"?
  4. The weight of bureaucracies (Foreign Affairs, Defence) in the development of foreign policy [France, UK, USA].
  5. The role of parliaments and constitutional courts in the development and regulation of International policy [France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, United States].
  6. The role of the media, non-governmental organizations, firms, and "public opinion" in the development and implementation of international policies.
  7. Bilateral diplomacy, a simple exercise? US-Soviet/Russian relations and contemporary Franco-German relations
  8. Multilateral diplomacy, an impossible exercise? Negotiations at the UN Human Rights Council.


  • Balzacq T., Charillon F., Ramel F. (dir.), Manuel de diplomatie, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 396 p., 2018.
  • Charillon F. (dir)., Politique étrangère. Nouveaux regards, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 437 p., 2002.
  • Cooper A., Heine J. & Thakur R., The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy, Oxford University Press, XXXV-953 p, 2013.
  • David C.P. (dir.), La politique étrangère des États-Unis, fondements, acteurs, formulation, Paris, Presse de Sciences Po, 3e éd., 315 p., 2015.
  • Smith S., Hadfield A. et Dunne T., Foreign Policy Theories, Actors, Cases, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed., XXIX-564 p., 2016.

Educational formula

Presentation of 50 minutes maximum, by groups of 5 students. Grading: 15 points for the content (sources and references used, quality of analysis), 8 points for the form (coherence of the presentation as a whole, compliance with the time constraint, compliance with the rules of presentation of the bibliography, which must be distributed to the whole class).

In brief

Year Fourth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 3.0

Number of hours 12.0

Teaching activitySeminar

ValidationContinuous assessment

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Bertrand Gilles [+]