Issues pertaining to the Horn of Africa


The Horn of Africa will be studied from the political, economic, and security perspectives. States and the Regional Economic Communities to which they belong will be examined. We will analyze the weight of this region in the continental organization (African Union) on the basis of current issues (the Ethiopia-Eritrea rapprochement, South Sudan peace agreement...). Some case studies will be presented (The Nile, the African Union Mission in Somalia - AMISOM, Djibouti as a port on the new Silk Road).

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

A good knowledge of Africa, its political, economic and security organization is required. Africa as an international actor.


  • Ping J., Fallait-il tuer Khadafi.
  • Bat J.P., Le syndrome Foccart.
  • Mayaki I. A., L'Afrique à l'heure des choix.
  • Revues : Politique africaine ; Afrique contemporaine

Educational formula

Lecture; PowerPoint presentation; study of documents in groups.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 9.0

Teaching activitySeminar


Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Ferras Patrick [+]