LVB – French as a foreign language


The French-as-a-Foreign-Language class in the fifth year aims to prepare students for the world of work in their field of specialization. Student collaboration and pluri-disciplinarity are key aspects of this method conference. A wide range of materials are used: articles, texts, television news clips, video clips of actual classes, or conferences, etc.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

The student must have solid French-language skills (lexicon, morphosyntax, phonetics) as well as pragmatic and sociological knowledge in order to understand and express his or her point of view on the French-speaking world.

Form of assessment

Number of ECTS credits :  2 ; except for the following masters :

› Public Affairs and Representation of Interests : 3 ECTS

› International Politics : 3 ECTS


  • Presse francophone : le Monde, le Figaro, l’Express, etc.
  • Dumas D., Grand livre de l’orthographe : le certificat Voltaire, Vuibert, 2018.
  • Ponsonnet A., Les 100 fautes que les recruteurs ne veulent plus voir, Hachette, 2016.
  • Strive-Debeaux A., Maîtriser la grammaire française : grammaire pour les étudiants de FLE-FLS, Belin, 2010.

Educational formula

The class is organized around two main objectives: the student will learn how to write and enhance a cover letter (clearer and more concise sentences; avoid catch-all verbs, etc.), how to write an effective CV, how to prepare for a job interview (verbal and non-verbal communication: eye contact, gestures, voice, language tics, etc.). Using specific documents, students will develop further insight into a topic relating to their field of specialization through an interactive exchange, in French, on the subject. The aim is to encourage students to express themselves in French, to compare points of view and to gain a deeper understanding of the issues through spontaneous dialogue.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

ECTS credits 2.0

Number of hours 18.0

Teaching activityMethod seminar

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Béziade Mélanie [+]