International issues


The class on International Issues (examined from the perspective of international law) aims to present the conditions under which legal standards can shape contemporary international relations (in parallel with the relationships between powers studied in the context of international relations). This class aims to examine the particularities of the international legal order and to focus on several specific issues in light of contemporary developments (collective security, economic and trade relations, international disputes, migration).

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Basic knowledge in international and European law (European Union, Council of Europe). Basic knowledge of public law (methodology and substance). Advanced knowledge of the state of international relations (mainly since 1945).


  • ALLAND D., Manuel de droit international public, éd. PUF, Paris, 2018.
  • TOURME-JOUANNET E., Le droit international, coll. Que sais-je, n°3966, éd. PUF, Paris, 2016.
  • SANTULLI C., Introduction au droit international (formation, application, exécution), coll. EI, Pedone, Paris, 2013.
  • DAILLIER P., FORTEAU M., PELLET A., Droit international public, 8e éd., Lextenso édition, éd. LGDJ, Paris, 2009.

Educational formula

The class follows a classic legal training methodology. Based on theoretical definitions and concrete and positive legal tools (treaties, customs, jurisprudence, national acts) we conduct a dynamic study of current international issues. The sessions take the form of 2-hour lectures, during which a student makes an oral presentation on a given topic in the same format as that of the prepared competitive exam.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Number of hours 24.0

ValidationFinal oral examination

Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Ancelin Julien [+]