History of thought


This class aims to explore the great controversies of political philosophy from Greek Antiquity to the Atlantic Revolutions of the 18th century. The first part of the class focuses on the cross-influences of Athens, Rome, and Jerusalem. The second part deals with the gradual secularization of political thought, from the tension between theology and politics in the Middle Ages to the emergence of political liberalism and the Enlightenment.

Recommended Prerequisite(s)

Participants must be avid readers and have good historical and philosophical knowledge.


  • Nay O., Histoire des idées politiques, Paris, Armand Colin, 2010.
  • Némo P., Histoire des idées politiques, 2 vol., Paris, PUF, 1998 et 2002.
  • Chevallier J.J., Histoire de la pensée politique, Paris, Payot, 2006.
  • Ory P. (dir.), Nouvelle histoire des idées politiques, Paris, Hachette Pluriel, 1987.
  • Rials S. & Raynaud P. (dir.), Dictionnaire de philosophie politique, Paris, PUF, 2003.

Educational formula

Small group lectures; participants must have good note-taking skills; discussions about authors welcome.

In brief

Year Fifth year

Teaching languageFrench

Teaching term Six-monthly

Number of hours 14.0

Teaching activityLecture course


Mandatory teaching



Educational manager :
Raison Du Cleuziou Yann [+]