The objective is to raise students' awareness on urban governance issues. We will focus on the role of cities and urban governments in the production of public policies and more generally in the governance of societies. Class work will be based on research studies that use, in some way or other, the concept of "governance". We will focus, in particular, on works that are based on a Weberian approach to urban policies and that situate the current resurgence of these policies within the long history of relations between cities and other levels of government, particularly territorial states. We will also look at the literature in political economy that sees the "urban moment" that we are currently experiencing as being part of the transformations that are affecting capitalism and modes of production. Finally, we will look at the evolution in the content, modes of development and implementation of urban policies, using the tools of public policy analysis.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Six-monthly
Teaching activitySeminar
ValidationFinal written examination
Mandatory teaching