The objective of this class is to approach the concept of inequality from the perspective of health. The social nature of health inequalities being traditionally ignored or denied, we will focus on how they have come to be recognized and how they are addressed today. We will study the mechanisms of production of inequalities in health care practices but also through the choices of orientation of social protection. We will highlight the ethical, political, and social challenges raised by the fight against this type of inequality. Each theme will be illustrated with current examples. History, epidemiology, anthropology, law, and political science will be used to illustrate these multidimensional phenomena. Our reflection will be based on the central hypothesis that health inequalities that result in early death, physical fragility, or exposure to various risks contribute strongly to the reproduction of social inequalities.
Knowledge in social sciences and social history (France 19th and 20th centuries) and an interest in public health policies and social protection.
Class delivered by Emmanuel Langlois.
Year Fifth year
Teaching languageFrench
Teaching term Six-monthly
Number of hours 18.0
Teaching activityLecture course
ValidationContinuous assessment
Mandatory teaching